Made by Maddie
Made by Maddie is the collection of beautiful designs by Maddie Cloud. A native of Kansas City, Cloud moved to Edmond when she was in second grade, and has lived in the metro since, including the years she spent at the University of Oklahoma, earning a degree in supply chain and finance. She was a senior in college when she first started making necklaces, and as is often the case with true creatives, her friends loved her designs.
“It was at OU that I realized how much I could do with jewelry design,” Cloud says, “and the degree I earned was perfect for the business side. It’s helped tremendously with sourcing and obtaining products.”
Cloud put her degree to work after graduating in 2015, with supply chain jobs at OG&E and Sonic, but the lure of the creative side kept pulling her into MBM. “I get lost in the creative process,” she says. “I love that. I’ll wake at 4 a.m. with a design in my head, and I’ll immediately write it down – I do have to go back to sleep.”
She fulfilled orders through direct messaging until she launched her website in 2018, and from that point on, the business has grown at a rate where it was clear she would be able to pursue it full time.
“I have to say what a huge help my husband Cooper was through the process,” Cloud said. “He kept telling me to pursue my passion, and when things got really busy, he’d help with packaging things, encouraging, and helping make a full-time transition possible.”
One of her favorite things to do is work with brides and bridesmaids. She and Cooper married during the summer of 2020, and she feels a connection to those brides who, like her, have tried to make a wedding work during the pandemic.
“We had three wedding dates,” Cloud says, allowing herself to laugh about it now. “I feel a really deep connection with those brides who are eloping, moving dates – just trying to make it work.”
All the designs are Cloud’s own, and while some of her 4 a.m. inspirations become her best sellers, some remain one-of-a-kind pieces, which she puts on the website without fanfare.
“Everyone needs a passion in life,” she says. “I found mine, and it was hard work to find it, and it still means hard work to make a full-time business of it, but I get to do what I love for a living.”